
Every student at Athena should be our brand ambassador in the real-world. With that in mind, we focus on developing our students for highly sought-after placements with leading companies. Employers are always on the lookout for young talent who has the skills and the qualities besides academic achievements. Exposure to various clubs like Dramatic Club, Literary Club, Debating Club, Cultural Club etc. and activities such as public speaking, report writing, ET review etc are provided to the students which encourage them to take up responsible positions during these extra-curricular activities. Our placement services not only facilitate employment but overall grooming for long term success.

  • At Athena, we focus on creating our students- highly trained and off the shelf employable management graduates.
  • We constantly take feedback and insight from our vastly experienced Corporate Advisors.
  • Curriculum is based on an Inductive Learning Model, which teaches our students not only how to manage organisations but also how to grow and learn throughout life.

Multiple Internships

At Athena we believe in the power of Experiential Learning. So ALL Athena students complete Three Internships (Two Month Internship in Sem I, II, III) during their PGPM Course. Students also have the opportunity to apply for International Internships. Athena students have completed International Internships across the world in Holland, Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Turkey etc. Be it in India or International - the Athena internships ensure that our students come out ready for the corporate world and the business world by the time they complete their course with diverse internship experience across multiple verticals/ companies/ sectors & geographies!

Corporate Partnerships

Athena has built relations with leading companies & MNCs over the years. Some of them are listed below